package options
- Alphabetic
- Public
- All
Type Members
case class
Collection(type: Option[String] = _root_.scala.None, nonEmpty: Option[Boolean] = _root_.scala.None, adapter: Option[String] = _root_.scala.None, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Collection] with Product with Serializable
Represents a custom Collection type in Scala.
Represents a custom Collection type in Scala. This allows ScalaPB to integrate with collection types that are different enough from the ones in the standard library.
- type
Type of the collection
- nonEmpty
Set to true if this collection type is not allowed to be empty, for example When true, ScalaPB will not generate
for the repeated field and not provide a default argument in the constructor.- adapter
An Adapter is a Scala object available at runtime that provides certain static methods that can operate on this collection type.
- Annotations
- @SerialVersionUID()
case class
EnumOptions(extends: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, companionExtends: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, type: Option[String] = _root_.scala.None, baseAnnotations: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, recognizedAnnotations: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, unrecognizedAnnotations: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[EnumOptions] with ExtendableMessage[EnumOptions] with Product with Serializable
- extends
Additional classes and traits to mix in to the base trait
- companionExtends
Additional classes and traits to mix in to the companion object.
- type
All instances of this enum will be converted to this type. An implicit TypeMapper must be present.
- baseAnnotations
Custom annotations to add to the generated enum's base class.
- recognizedAnnotations
Custom annotations to add to the generated trait.
- unrecognizedAnnotations
Custom annotations to add to the generated Unrecognized case class.
- Annotations
- @SerialVersionUID()
case class
EnumValueOptions(extends: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, scalaName: Option[String] = _root_.scala.None, annotations: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[EnumValueOptions] with ExtendableMessage[EnumValueOptions] with Product with Serializable
- extends
Additional classes and traits to mix in to an individual enum value.
- scalaName
Name in Scala to use for this enum value.
- annotations
Custom annotations to add to the generated case object for this enum value.
- Annotations
- @SerialVersionUID()
case class
FieldOptions(type: Option[String] = _root_.scala.None, scalaName: Option[String] = _root_.scala.None, collectionType: Option[String] = _root_.scala.None, collection: Option[Collection] = _root_.scala.None, keyType: Option[String] = _root_.scala.None, valueType: Option[String] = _root_.scala.None, annotations: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, mapType: Option[String] = _root_.scala.None, noDefaultValueInConstructor: Option[Boolean] = _root_.scala.None, noBox: Option[Boolean] = _root_.scala.None, required: Option[Boolean] = _root_.scala.None, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[FieldOptions] with ExtendableMessage[FieldOptions] with Product with Serializable
- collectionType
Can be specified only if this field is repeated. If unspecified, it falls back to the file option named
, which defaults toscala.collection.Seq
.- keyType
If the field is a map, you can specify custom Scala types for the key or value.
- annotations
Custom annotations to add to the field.
- mapType
Can be specified only if this field is a map. If unspecified, it falls back to the file option named
which defaults toscala.collection.immutable.Map
- noDefaultValueInConstructor
If true, no default value will be generated for this field in the message constructor. If this field is set, it has the highest precedence and overrides the values at the message-level and file-level.
- noBox
Do not box this value in Option[T]. If set, this overrides MessageOptions.no_box
- required
Like no_box it does not box a value in Option[T], but also fails parsing when a value is not provided. This enables to emulate required fields in proto3.
- Annotations
- @SerialVersionUID()
case class
FieldTransformation(when: Option[FieldDescriptorProto] = _root_.scala.None, matchType: Option[MatchType] = _root_.scala.None, set: Option[] = _root_.scala.None, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[FieldTransformation] with Product with Serializable
- Annotations
- @SerialVersionUID()
- sealed abstract class MatchType extends GeneratedEnum
case class
MessageOptions(extends: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, companionExtends: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, annotations: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, type: Option[String] = _root_.scala.None, companionAnnotations: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, sealedOneofExtends: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, noBox: Option[Boolean] = _root_.scala.None, unknownFieldsAnnotations: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, noDefaultValuesInConstructor: Option[Boolean] = _root_.scala.None, sealedOneofCompanionExtends: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, derives: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, sealedOneofDerives: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, sealedOneofEmptyExtends: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[MessageOptions] with ExtendableMessage[MessageOptions] with Product with Serializable
- extends
Additional classes and traits to mix in to the case class.
- companionExtends
Additional classes and traits to mix in to the companion object.
- annotations
Custom annotations to add to the generated case class.
- type
All instances of this message will be converted to this type. An implicit TypeMapper must be present.
- companionAnnotations
Custom annotations to add to the companion object of the generated class.
- sealedOneofExtends
Additional classes and traits to mix in to generated sealed_oneof base trait.
- noBox
If true, when this message is used as an optional field, do not wrap it in an
. This is equivalent of setting(field).no_box
to true on each field with the message type.- unknownFieldsAnnotations
Custom annotations to add to the generated
case class field.- noDefaultValuesInConstructor
If true, no default values will be generated in message constructors. If set (to true or false), the message-level setting overrides the file-level value, and can be overridden by the field-level setting.
- sealedOneofCompanionExtends
Additional classes and traits to mix in to generated sealed oneof base trait's companion object.
- derives
Adds a derives clause to the message case class
- sealedOneofDerives
Additional classes and traits to add to the derives clause of a sealed oneof.
- sealedOneofEmptyExtends
Additional traits to mixin for the empty case object of sealed oneofs.
- Annotations
- @SerialVersionUID()
case class
OneofOptions(extends: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, scalaName: Option[String] = _root_.scala.None, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[OneofOptions] with ExtendableMessage[OneofOptions] with Product with Serializable
- extends
Additional traits to mix in to a oneof.
- scalaName
Name in Scala to use for this oneof field.
- Annotations
- @SerialVersionUID()
case class
PreprocessorOutput(optionsByFile: Map[String, ScalaPbOptions] = ..., unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[PreprocessorOutput] with Product with Serializable
- Annotations
- @SerialVersionUID()
case class
ScalaPbOptions(packageName: Option[String] = _root_.scala.None, flatPackage: Option[Boolean] = _root_.scala.None, import: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, preamble: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, singleFile: Option[Boolean] = _root_.scala.None, noPrimitiveWrappers: Option[Boolean] = _root_.scala.None, primitiveWrappers: Option[Boolean] = _root_.scala.None, collectionType: Option[String] = _root_.scala.None, preserveUnknownFields: Option[Boolean] = _root_.scala.None, objectName: Option[String] = _root_.scala.None, scope: Option[OptionsScope] = _root_.scala.None, lenses: Option[Boolean] = _root_.scala.None, retainSourceCodeInfo: Option[Boolean] = _root_.scala.None, mapType: Option[String] = _root_.scala.None, noDefaultValuesInConstructor: Option[Boolean] = _root_.scala.None, enumValueNaming: Option[EnumValueNaming] = _root_.scala.None, enumStripPrefix: Option[Boolean] = _root_.scala.None, bytesType: Option[String] = _root_.scala.None, javaConversions: Option[Boolean] = _root_.scala.None, auxMessageOptions: Seq[AuxMessageOptions] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, auxFieldOptions: Seq[AuxFieldOptions] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, auxEnumOptions: Seq[AuxEnumOptions] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, auxEnumValueOptions: Seq[AuxEnumValueOptions] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, preprocessors: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, fieldTransformations: Seq[FieldTransformation] = _root_.scala.Vector.empty, ignoreAllTransformations: Option[Boolean] = _root_.scala.None, getters: Option[Boolean] = _root_.scala.None, scala3Sources: Option[Boolean] = _root_.scala.None, publicConstructorParameters: Option[Boolean] = _root_.scala.None, testOnlyNoJavaConversions: Option[Boolean] = _root_.scala.None, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[ScalaPbOptions] with ExtendableMessage[ScalaPbOptions] with Product with Serializable
- packageName
If set then it overrides the java_package and package.
- flatPackage
If true, the compiler does not append the proto base file name into the generated package name. If false (the default), the generated scala package name is the package_name.basename where basename is the proto file name without the .proto extension.
- import
Adds the following imports at the top of the file (this is meant to provide implicit TypeMappers)
- preamble
Text to add to the generated scala file. This can be used only when single_file is true.
- singleFile
If true, all messages and enums (but not services) will be written to a single Scala file.
- noPrimitiveWrappers
By default, wrappers defined at, are mapped to an Option[T] where T is a primitive type. When this field is set to true, we do not perform this transformation.
- primitiveWrappers
DEPRECATED. In ScalaPB <= 0.5.47, it was necessary to explicitly enable primitive_wrappers. This field remains here for backwards compatibility, but it has no effect on generated code. It is an error to set both
.- collectionType
Scala type to be used for repeated fields. If unspecified,
will be used.- preserveUnknownFields
If set to true, all generated messages in this file will preserve unknown fields.
- objectName
If defined, sets the name of the file-level object that would be generated. This object extends
and contains descriptors, and list of message and enum companions.- scope
Experimental: scope to apply the given options.
- lenses
If true, lenses will be generated.
- retainSourceCodeInfo
If true, then source-code info information will be included in the generated code - normally the source code info is cleared out to reduce code size. The source code info is useful for extracting source code location from the descriptors as well as comments.
- mapType
Scala type to be used for maps. If unspecified,
will be used.- noDefaultValuesInConstructor
If true, no default values will be generated in message constructors. This setting can be overridden at the message-level and for individual fields.
- enumStripPrefix
Indicate if prefix (enum name + optional underscore) should be removed in scala code Strip is applied before enum value naming changes.
- bytesType
Scala type to use for bytes fields.
- javaConversions
Enable java conversions for this file.
- auxMessageOptions
List of message options to apply to some messages.
- auxFieldOptions
List of message options to apply to some fields.
- auxEnumOptions
List of message options to apply to some enums.
- auxEnumValueOptions
List of enum value options to apply to some enum values.
- preprocessors
List of preprocessors to apply.
- ignoreAllTransformations
Ignores all transformations for this file. This is meant to allow specific files to opt out from transformations inherited through package-scoped options.
- getters
If true, getters will be generated.
- scala3Sources
Generate sources that are compatible with Scala 3
- publicConstructorParameters
Makes constructor parameters public, including defaults and TypeMappers.
- testOnlyNoJavaConversions
For use in tests only. Inhibit Java conversions even when when generator parameters request for it.
- Annotations
- @SerialVersionUID()
- final class Scalapb extends AnyRef
Value Members
- object Collection extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Collection]
- object EnumOptions extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[EnumOptions]
- object EnumValueOptions extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[EnumValueOptions]
- object FieldOptions extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[FieldOptions]
- object FieldTransformation extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[FieldTransformation]
- object MatchType extends GeneratedEnumCompanion[MatchType]
- object MessageOptions extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[MessageOptions]
- object OneofOptions extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[OneofOptions]
- object PreprocessorOutput extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[PreprocessorOutput]
- object ScalaPbOptions extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ScalaPbOptions]
- object ScalapbProto extends GeneratedFileObject