final case class EnumOptions(extends: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, companionExtends: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, type: Option[String] = _root_.scala.None, baseAnnotations: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, recognizedAnnotations: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, unrecognizedAnnotations: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[EnumOptions] with ExtendableMessage[EnumOptions] with Product with Serializable
- extends
Additional classes and traits to mix in to the base trait
- companionExtends
Additional classes and traits to mix in to the companion object.
- type
All instances of this enum will be converted to this type. An implicit TypeMapper must be present.
- baseAnnotations
Custom annotations to add to the generated enum's base class.
- recognizedAnnotations
Custom annotations to add to the generated trait.
- unrecognizedAnnotations
Custom annotations to add to the generated Unrecognized case class.
- Annotations
- @SerialVersionUID()
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- EnumOptions
- ExtendableMessage
- Updatable
- GeneratedMessage
- Serializable
- Serializable
- Product
- Equals
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- All
Instance Constructors
EnumOptions(extends: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, companionExtends: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, type: Option[String] = _root_.scala.None, baseAnnotations: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, recognizedAnnotations: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, unrecognizedAnnotations: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...)
- extends
Additional classes and traits to mix in to the base trait
- companionExtends
Additional classes and traits to mix in to the companion object.
- type
All instances of this enum will be converted to this type. An implicit TypeMapper must be present.
- baseAnnotations
Custom annotations to add to the generated enum's base class.
- recognizedAnnotations
Custom annotations to add to the generated trait.
- unrecognizedAnnotations
Custom annotations to add to the generated Unrecognized case class.
Value Members
- def addAllBaseAnnotations(__vs: Iterable[String]): EnumOptions
- def addAllCompanionExtends(__vs: Iterable[String]): EnumOptions
- def addAllExtends(__vs: Iterable[String]): EnumOptions
- def addAllRecognizedAnnotations(__vs: Iterable[String]): EnumOptions
- def addAllUnrecognizedAnnotations(__vs: Iterable[String]): EnumOptions
- def addBaseAnnotations(__vs: String*): EnumOptions
- def addCompanionExtends(__vs: String*): EnumOptions
- def addExtends(__vs: String*): EnumOptions
- def addRecognizedAnnotations(__vs: String*): EnumOptions
- def addUnrecognizedAnnotations(__vs: String*): EnumOptions
- val baseAnnotations: Seq[String]
- def clearBaseAnnotations: EnumOptions
- def clearCompanionExtends: EnumOptions
- def clearExtends: EnumOptions
- def clearRecognizedAnnotations: EnumOptions
- def clearType: EnumOptions
- def clearUnrecognizedAnnotations: EnumOptions
companion: EnumOptions.type
- Definition Classes
- EnumOptions → GeneratedMessage
- val companionExtends: Seq[String]
- def discardUnknownFields: EnumOptions
- val extends: Seq[String]
extension[T](generatedExtension: GeneratedExtension[EnumOptions, T]): T
- Definition Classes
- ExtendableMessage
getField(__field: FieldDescriptor): PValue
- Definition Classes
- EnumOptions → GeneratedMessage
getFieldByNumber(__fieldNumber: Int): Any
- Definition Classes
- EnumOptions → GeneratedMessage
- def getType: String
- val recognizedAnnotations: Seq[String]
serializedSize: Int
- Definition Classes
- EnumOptions → GeneratedMessage
toByteArray: Array[Byte]
Serializes the message and returns a byte array containing its raw bytes
Serializes the message and returns a byte array containing its raw bytes
- Definition Classes
- GeneratedMessage
toByteString: ByteString
Serializes the message and returns a ByteString containing its raw bytes
Serializes the message and returns a ByteString containing its raw bytes
- Definition Classes
- GeneratedMessage
toPMessage: PMessage
- Definition Classes
- GeneratedMessage
toProtoString: String
Returns a human-readable ASCII format representation of this message.
Returns a human-readable ASCII format representation of this message.
The original message can be decoded from this format by using fromAscii on the companion object.
- returns
human-readable representation of this message.
- Definition Classes
- EnumOptions → GeneratedMessage
- val type: Option[String]
unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet
- Definition Classes
- EnumOptions → ExtendableMessage
- val unrecognizedAnnotations: Seq[String]
update(ms: (Lens[EnumOptions, EnumOptions]) ⇒ Mutation[EnumOptions]*): EnumOptions
- Definition Classes
- Updatable
- def withBaseAnnotations(__v: Seq[String]): EnumOptions
- def withCompanionExtends(__v: Seq[String]): EnumOptions
- def withExtends(__v: Seq[String]): EnumOptions
withExtension[T](generatedExtension: GeneratedExtension[EnumOptions, T])(value: T): EnumOptions
- Definition Classes
- ExtendableMessage
- def withRecognizedAnnotations(__v: Seq[String]): EnumOptions
- def withType(__v: String): EnumOptions
withUnknownFields(__v: UnknownFieldSet): EnumOptions
- Definition Classes
- EnumOptions → ExtendableMessage
- def withUnrecognizedAnnotations(__v: Seq[String]): EnumOptions
writeDelimitedTo(output: OutputStream): Unit
- Definition Classes
- GeneratedMessage
writeTo(_output__: CodedOutputStream): Unit
Serializes the message into the given coded output stream
Serializes the message into the given coded output stream
- Definition Classes
- EnumOptions → GeneratedMessage
writeTo(output: OutputStream): Unit
Serializes the message into the given output stream
Serializes the message into the given output stream
- Definition Classes
- GeneratedMessage